Help Us Bring Geoscience to the Public and Support Tomorrow's Geoscientists Today!

Donate securely on our CanadaHelps website, APGOEF’s innovative website, is a one-stop spot for information about the earth beneath your feet.

Through our GeoHikes, Urban GeoWalks, GeoRoutes, GeoPark, GeoVideos and GeoBlog, we provide interesting and accurate information on all facets of geoscience with a particular focus right here in Ontario.

In addition, we support future professional geoscientists by providing financial support to geoscience students in university and to recent geoscience-trained immigrants to Canada.

Our Projects and Support for Geoscience


Our subsidiary website GeoscienceINFO provides reliable information about the geology of Ontario, and the processes that formed this beautiful province.

In partnership with the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Niagara GeoPark, McMaster University, University of Toronto, Queen’s University, Carleton University and Western University.

The APGO Education Foundation is proud to be the geoscience education partner of the Niagara Geopark.

Where the Geoscience Community Shares Their Passion for the Earth

Opportunities for scholarships for post-secondary students studying
geoscience in a degree program.

Opportunities for bursaries for immigrants to Canada who are internationally-trained
geoscientists and have demonstrated financial need for completion of licensure requirements
for registration as a professional geoscientist in Ontario.

Exciting information opportunities for anyone curious about the earth beneath their feet.